Can personalized video landing pages increase conversions?

Can personalized video landing pages increase conversions

Improving the conversion rate for a website is often a top priority. With an average conversion rate still below 2.5%, most sites have a lot of room for improvement. Even getting an extra eighth percent extra can have a huge impact on the profit line within a year. Therefore, it makes sense to evaluate all the methods that one boost. As a top web development company, we understand the importance of maximizing conversions. Today we wanted to discuss a hot topic for the coming year; Can Want to increase personalized landing pages for video conversions?

Video content is a proven method for capturing and capturing the attention of an audience. Did you know that 3.25 billion hours of video are viewed on YouTube every time? month? Since it is a very effective method of delivering content, why not include that concept in other parts of your website?

What are video landing pages?

The purpose of a landing page on a website is to convert visitors into leads or conversions. They can be called different things like landing page, static page, or a lead capture page. When a user clicks on the result of a search engine, online ad, etc., he is sent to a corresponding landing page. A video landing page is simply a landing page with a video. The video begins when the visitor arrives to get the user’s attention and involve him information about a product or service. Personalization comes into play when you apply your company’s branding, color scheme, logo, etc. to maximize brand recognition. Various elements can be included, such as custom CTA buttons. Since landing pages can be used for different phases in the customer journey, they can be customized more specific needs depending on who clicks on the link and where they are in the funnel.

How can personalized landing pages for video conversions increase?
There are a number of ways video landing pages can increase conversions over a standard static page:

Better Engagement – Video is simply a better, more engaging medium compared to text. It is more digestible and video landing pages are much more interesting because they are not so common. They can quickly draw attention in a way that a static page cannot. While statistics vary by business type, numerous marketers have reported 50-60% more time on the landing page page with personalized videos.

Building trust – People can be much more convincing and friendly than text blocks. When you use video well, it gives a unique insight into the people behind it Brand. This can help build trust and establish a connection much faster than conveying the same information via text. Seeing and hearing people make a person feel better, which can be achieved with video. People prefer to interact with other real people and not a faceless enterprise.

More Versatility – There are numerous ways you can combine video and other elements to create something unique and effective. For example, a lead capture form are inserted during the first part of a video. Some may think that using turnstiles reduces lead count, but what it actually does is increase your qualification Leads.

Better User Experience – By taking the time to use your public knowledge, using personalized pages can create more relevant, interesting experiences for them. For example, using it as an extension of a personalized ad campaign can greatly improve the overall experience by providing relevant, useful information and reducing friction points.

The bottom line is that personalized video landing pages can increase conversions. While they don’t currently appear excessively common, we fully expect them to be much more used in the future. Aside from their ability to increase conversions, they also offer a unique versatility that static pages simply cannot provide.

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